Academic Results
A shared pathway from P3 to 2nd Baccalaureate
The accompaniment and help we offer, from the moment our students enter the school until they leave, and the joint work with their families, is reflected in our academic results. The different internal and external evaluations allow us to analyse our strengths and weaknesses in order to continue improving.
Below we present the results of the Basic Competences tests carried out by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya in 6th Primary and 4th Secondary, the results of the Cambridge exams of the 2nd Baccalaureate students, the academic results of our 2nd Baccalaureate students and the results of the University Entrance Exams (PAU). The different internal and external evaluations allow us to analyse our strengths and weaknesses in order to continue improving.
Results of the basic competences of 6th Primary (2018/19)
Results of the basic competences of 4th of Secondary (2018/19)
Results 2nd Baccalaureate (promotion 2017/19)
5 unique core ideas that define us